Los Gatos Engineering Office:
320B North Santa
Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030-7243
From San Jose
880/17 South towards Santa Cruz. Exit
Los Gatos Highway 9 (West at first exit). At second traffic light, turn left on Santa Cruz Avenue.
one block, turn left on Petticoat Lane, then left on Village Lane.
Labs on left on second floor.
car and enter building on Village Lane through glass and wood door:
Pulver Laboratories
sign above the door on the ledge (overhang).
[When facing the
entrance door, 341 Village Lane next office door on the right: Stainless Steel
mailbox: Stainless Steel "341" numbers on the door by mailbox.]
From San Francisco airport:
101 South (towards San Jose). 880/17 South towards
Santa Cruz. Exit Los Gatos Highway 9 (West at first exit). At second traffic light,
turn left on Santa Cruz Avenue. After
one block, turn left on Petticoat Lane, then left on Village Lane. Pulver Labs on left
on second floor.
Park car
and enter building on Village Lane through glass and wood doors:
Pulver Laboratories
sign above the door on the ledge (overhang).
[When facing the
entrance door, 341 Village Lane next office door on the right: Stainless Steel
mailbox: Stainless Steel "341" numbers on the door by mailbox.]
From Santa Cruz area:
17 North
towards San Jose. First Los Gatos Exit turns into North Santa Cruz Avenue. After
a few
blocks on North Santa Cruz Avenue, notice Petticoat Lane on the right. Turn right
on Petticoat Lane, then left on Village Lane. Pulver Labs on left on second
Park car and enter
building on Village Lane through glass and wood doors:
Pulver Laboratories
sign above the door on the ledge (overhang).
[When facing the
entrance door, 341 Village Lane next office door on the right: Stainless Steel
mailbox: Stainless Steel "341" numbers on the door by mailbox.]
From South San Jose:
101 North to
San Francisco. 880/17 South towards Santa Cruz. Exit Los Gatos Highway 9 (West
at first exit). At second traffic light, turn left on Santa Cruz Avenue. After
one block, turn left on Petticoat Lane, then left on Village Lane. Pulver Labs on left
on second floor.
Park car
and enter building on Village Lane through glass and wood doors:
Pulver Laboratories
sign above the door on the ledge (overhang).
[When facing the
entrance door, 341 Village Lane next office door on the right: Stainless Steel
mailbox: Stainless Steel "341" numbers on the door by mailbox.]
For simple map, click "2D Map":
PARKING: after locating entrance door, park on Village Lane.
If parking space not available, turn right at end of Village Lane at stop sign,
onto Los Gatos
Saratoga Road.
Travel about 200 feet.
Then, turn right at the first driveway (large enough for two cars): park on
either side of the block long parking area.